National Healthcare Decisions Day and the Story Behind It
Inside a 50-state Movement
Are you in?
You know the adage. The one about death and taxes. Ben Franklin said those are the only two certainties in this world. Well, those famed words had a ripple effect a few centuries later. Nathan Kottkamp founded a healthcare movement on April 16th — the day after taxes are due — called National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD). On NHDD, 50 states join forces with a common goal: to motivate and inspire people to complete their Advance Directive.
271,804. That’s roughly how many people are in Santa Cruz County, according to the most recent census data available. You are one among thousands in our community, but there is only one you and your healthcare preferences may be unique too.
It’s important, your wishes are important, and the truth is, it’s always too early until it’s too late. That is our national theme this year. Meaning that if you don’t set up your Advance Directive while you can, you may find yourself in a situation where someone is making medical choices for you. And they might not be choices you would want. It happens everyday.
An Advance Directive is an essential tool to honor your wishes — it is also a gift to your loved ones. We’re honored to join forces with hundreds of organizations across the country by hosting a series of uplifting, community-driven events, including informative workshops that will give you the clarity you need to finish your Advance Directive and reach some peace of mind around your decisions.
Get Inspired. Have the Talk. Join the Movement.
“I hope that everyone will realize that advance healthcare planning is a gift to loved ones,” Nathan writes on the official website for National Healthcare Decisions Day. “I hope that people will mark their calendars for April 16, assemble their loved ones, and just do it. Sometimes we just need a catalyst. National Healthcare Decisions Day is it.”
Hospice of Santa Cruz invites you to join a health care planning workshop or presentation about an important topic: Advance Directives. Planning ahead for your healthcare — now, while you are able to — is a gift you can give to yourself and those you love.