Why Give to Hospice of Santa Cruz County
Your generosity makes incredible things happen. Whether you donate in memory of a loved one or simply because you value compassionate care, please consider including Hospice of Santa Cruz County in your giving.
With charitable gifts and donations from people like you, Hospice of Santa Cruz County has the funding to provide Music Therapy, Pet Companions and Volunteer Visitor Programs, Grief Support, Charity Hospice Care, specialized care for Veterans, and Transitional and Palliative Care Services to thousands of people each year.
Camp Erin
$1,500: Sponsors a child at Camp Erin. Increasing hope, enhancing self-esteem, and teaching positive coping skills to a grieving youth.
Transitional and Palliative Care
$500: Extends Transitional and Palliative Care Services to those not ready for hospice. Improving quality of life for people with serious illness through pain and symptom management centered on patients’ goals and specific needs.
Hospice Care
$250: Contributes to Charity Hospice Care to the uninsured. Embracing families by providing hospice care, and emotional, spiritual, and practical support when they need it most.
Music Therapy
$100: Brings Music Therapy sessions to the bedside. Reducing patients’ pain and anxiety, lifting spirits, and connecting them to their memories.
Grief Support
$50: Supports Individual Grief Counseling to people of all ages. Supporting people on their grief journey.
Pet Companion
$50: Provides treats and training for Pet Companions. Bringing comfort and relief, lessening anxiety, and offering the kind of care that animals know how to give.